Peter Hook vyráží na turné se setlistem dvou alb New Order

Od prvního do posledního tracku, desky z let 1981 a 1983. The Light ex-basáka Joy Division a New Order si vytyčili plán na podzimní turné - přehrát další část diskografie novovlné legendy naživo, i přesto, že její tříčlenná verze túruje světem a nabízí skladby pod oficiální hlavičkou. 


Zakládající člen New Order podle odehraje na severoamerickém turné první dvě desky kapely, Movement (1981) a o dva roky starší Power, Corruption & Lies, včetně B stran s legendárními singly jako “Everything’s Gone Green”, “Temptation” a “Blue Monday”.

Zajímavostí je i série DJ setů, které přibily v plánech Petera Hooka na letošní květen či tzv.  "New Order Electronic set" chystaný na závěr června do Londýna. 


Peter Hook turné:


5-25 Bristol, England - The Amphitheatre (DJ Set)
05-26 Brighton, England - Life Club (DJ Set)
06-01 Yorkshire, England - Crooked Ways Festival (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)
06-15 Glasgow, Scotland - The Arches (DJ Set)
06-21 London, England - The Coronet (New Order Electronic set)
06-23 Macclesfield, England - Barnaby Festival (Unknown Pleasures/Closer set)
07-20 Nottingham, England - Splendour In Nottingham (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)
07-23 Buxton, England - Buxton Opera House (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)
07-26 Hyeres, France - MIDI Festival (Unknown Pleasures set)
08-11 Blackpool, England - Rebellion Festival (Unknown Pleasures set)
09-10 Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-13 New York, NY - Webster Hall (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-14 Philadelphia, PA - The Trocadero (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-15 Chicago, IL - Riot Fest (Joy Division set)
09-18 Montreal, Quebec - Club Soda (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-19 Toronto, Ontario - The Hoxton (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-21 Los Angeles, CA - Fonda Theatre (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-23 Vancouver, British Columbia - Venue (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-25 Seattle, WA - Neumos (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-26 Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-27 San Francisco, CA - Mezzanine (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *
09-28 Denver, CO - Gothic Theatre (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *

5-25 Bristol, England - The Amphitheatre (DJ Set)

05-26 Brighton, England - Life Club (DJ Set)

06-01 Yorkshire, England - Crooked Ways Festival (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

06-15 Glasgow, Scotland - The Arches (DJ Set)

06-21 London, England - The Coronet (New Order Electronic set)

06-23 Macclesfield, England - Barnaby Festival (Unknown Pleasures/Closer set)

07-20 Nottingham, England - Splendour In Nottingham (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

07-23 Buxton, England - Buxton Opera House (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

07-26 Hyeres, France - MIDI Festival (Unknown Pleasures set)

08-11 Blackpool, England - Rebellion Festival (Unknown Pleasures set)

09-10 Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-13 New York, NY - Webster Hall (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-14 Philadelphia, PA - The Trocadero (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-15 Chicago, IL - Riot Fest (Joy Division set)09-18 Montreal, Quebec - Club Soda (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-19 Toronto, Ontario - The Hoxton (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-21 Los Angeles, CA - Fonda Theatre (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-23 Vancouver, British Columbia - Venue (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-25 Seattle, WA - Neumos (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-26 Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-27 San Francisco, CA - Mezzanine (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set)

09-28 Denver, CO - Gothic Theatre (Movement/Power, Corruption and Lies set) *

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