Paesant | 18.05.2013 10:58
Dredatý divoch Robin Finck, nezapomenutelná figura devadesátkových pódiových rebélií se vrací k Nine Inch Nails. Zpráva přichází krátce poté, co baskytarista Eric Avery oznámil, že se nezúčastní kapelního reunionu a turné 2013/14.
Kytarista etablovaný divokým Self-Destruct turné, později spoluhráč Guns N' Roses, má podle některých zdrojů (Rolling Stone) odložit svůj primární nástroj a nahradit právě odcházejícího Averyho. Na pozici hlavního kytaristy pro turné 2013/14 tak zůstává rockový pard Andrew Belew z King Crimson.
One door closes, another one opens: Nine Inch Nails have announced that, following the recent departure of bassist Eric Avery, their forthcoming reunion tour will include former NIN/Guns N' Roses member Robin Finck (above, right). While Finck is primarily a guitarist, Rolling Stone says he'll replace Avery on bass. His role is unclear according to Trent Reznor's announcement on Tumblr, however. He's pictured playing a guitar, while Josh Eustis (of Telefon Tel Aviv) is pictured playing a bass.
Finck, who played with Nine Inch Nails at various points in the band's original tenure, will join the previously announced lineup of Reznor, Eustis, and Andrew Belew of King Crimson, along with previous NIN collaborators Alessandro Cortini and Ilan Rubin.
Nine Inch Nails' world tour begins at Japan's Fuji Rock Festival on July 26. "We are deep in the rehearsal process and it feels exciting and great to be back at this," writes Trent Reznor on Tumblr. "Lots of information, surprises and sweat headed your way."
Watch part of an MTV special about NIN's 1999-2000 Fragility v1.0 tour, which included Finck:
Closure: Robin Finck (part three)
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