Ian McCulloch
Due to production issues and 'a personal change in management' the release of Ian McCulloch's new solo-album "Pro Patria Mori" will be slightly delayed (again). It's the Echo and the Bunnymen frontman himself who communicated the news on the Echo and the Bunnymen Facebook page.
It's not the first time the release gets delayed. First scheduled for a March 5 2012 release, it later got rescheduled to a May 17 release, and now it seems to finally hit the street later this month.
The album will be available through PledgeMusic (see also Louise Rutkowski (This Mortal Coil & Hope Blister) launches Pledge Music campaign to finish new album). No word if the release will also get a regular distribution but so far it doesn't look like it.
And in case you missed it, McCulloch also has a lyric book available (which is even less distributed than his solo album). "The Lyrics of Ian McCulloch" chronicles over 150 songs spanning McCulloch's entire career. It contains lyrics from the Echo and the Bunnymen catalogue, Ian's solo work, Electrafixion and two songs from his first solo record in nearly a decade, including the title track "Pro Patria Mori". Good luck finding it.
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Ian McCulloch, leader osmdesátkového kultu Echo and the Bunnymen, byl nucen znovu posunout vydání očekávané sólové desky. Štestí mu zjevně nepřeje, po 5. březnu a 17. květnu je to již třetí odklad.

Dobrou zprávou pro fanoušky, kteří mají na financování desky svůj nemalý podíl, je ale informace o definitivním vydání ještě tento měsíc. Důvodem k odkladu tentokrát byly podle facebookového profilu Echo and the Bunnymen produkční záležitosti a personální změna v managementu.
Jak jsme vás dříve informovali, McCulloch vyzval k financování své fanoušky přes službu PledgeMusic, aby si album předplatili a pomohli tak fakticky jeho realizaci. Více čtěte zde.
Poslední sólová deska Iana McCullocha vyšla již před sedmi lety.
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