Bruno Ferrari přichystal novou desku

Samir Hauser se vrací jako zvrácený šansoniér Bruno Ferrari. A ve velkém stylu.




Nová deska ponese název "Vaudeville" a vyjde během dubna u labelu X Production. Na produkci desky se podílel legendární producent John Fryer (např. Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Skinny Puppy a řada dalších). Křest desky by měl proběhnout 23. května v pražském Roxy.

Bruno Ferrari také spouští nové webové stránky, jako bonus si pak fanoušci mohou zaplatit společnost samotného umělce s dalšími přidanými hodnotami. Kompletní ceník a výčet nabízených služeb naleznete níže (pro zachování autenticity je text ponechán v originálním znění):


The Birthday Party with Bruno (including: singing Happy birthday and other songs, congratulations, meet and great appearance , Speaking, autograph signing, friendly patting, funny stories telling, eating cake, cut the cake)
500 €

Wedding party with Bruno (including: meet and great appearance, dancing with bride, singing, formal speaking, big speech, noun to newlyweds, autograph signing, friendly patting, funny stories telling)
500 €

Funeral party with Bruno (including: autograph signing, singing, formal speaking, big speech, recollection, crying)
400 €

Golf outing with Bruno (including: autograph signing, singing, formal speaking, golf playing, friendly patting, funny stories telling)
350 €

Fitness with bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, drill, masculine speech, friendly patting, funny stories telling)
350 €

Bowling with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, bowling, drinking, masculine speech, friendly patting, funny stories telling)
300 €

Going downtown and shopping with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, shopping, lunch, Bruno will praise your body and your style, funny stories telling)
300 €

Visit the night club or go go club with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, drinking, masculine speech, friendly patting, funny stories telling)
400 €

Fishing with Bruno ( including: autograph signing, formal speaking, drinking, masculine speech, friendly patting, fishing, funny stories telling, playing pexeso or scrabble)
200 €

Wild wild west with Bruno - country side (including: Bruno in western style, meet and great appearance , autograph signing, formal speaking, drinking whiskey, american lunch, walking in the nature, watching the horses, masculine speech, friendly patting, funny stories telling, Bruno will sing Cowboy dream only for you)
400 €

Dance club with Bruno ( including: autograph signing, formal speaking, drinking, masculine speech, friendly patting, funny stories telling, dancing – with woman body to body)
300 €

Swimming with Bruno ( including: autograph signing, formal speaking, friendly patting, funny stories telling, swimming, for women will Bruno playing hungry shark or Posseidon the god)
250 €

Walking in the park and picnic with Bruno ( including: autograph signing, formal speaking, friendly patting, funny stories telling, lunch, playing pexeso or scrabble)
200 €

Zoo garden with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, friendly patting, funny stories telling, lunch, Bruno interesting talks about animals)
200 €

Lovely evening with Bruno - only for women (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, dinner, understanding, listening, eskort to your home, promising, exchange phone numbers, romantic kissing)
400 €

Cinema, exhibition or theatre with Bruno (including: eskort, autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, after action dinner, speaking about)
200 €

Lunch with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, Bruno speaking about food)
250 €

Dinner with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, Bruno speaking about food)
250 €

Cooking with Bruno (including: autograph signing, singing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, welcome drink, Bruno speaking about food, Bruno will cook for you, final coctail)
200 €

Bicycle trip with Bruno (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, masculine speech, lunch, Bruno speaking about nature)
200 €

Introduction Bruno as your friend - to your friends or parents (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, lunch, Bruno will interesting talks about you, how you are great etc., singing)
450 €

Introduction Bruno as your husband or boyfriend - to your friends or parents (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, lunch, Bruno will interesting talks about you, how you are great, how he loves you, how he meet you first time, promising, kissing, good impression and noble style, bruno with roses)
500 €

Bruno healing (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, funny stories telling, Bruno will heal your body and soul, Bruno esoteric speaking)
300 €

Massage with Bruno - only for women (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, foot massage with singing)
300 €

Anal exorcism – only for women (including: autograph signing, formal speaking, Bruno will speak badly to your devil, Bruno will kick out devil from your asshole, Bruno esoteric speaking, dinner)


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