Rok 2012 připraví pro fanoušky punkového floutka Johna Lydona a jeho novovlných PiL hned dvojí důvod k nákupům.

Vydavatel EMI chystá reedici desek - "First Issue" (aka Public Image Ltd), "Paris In The Spring" (Live), "Flowers Of Romance", "Live In Tokyo", "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get", "Album (aka Compact Disc)", "Happy', "9", kompilaci hitovek "The Greatest Hits So Far", prozatím poslední oficiální přírůstek do diskografie "That What Is Not" a jako bonus i sólový debut Johnnyho Ex-Rottena "Psycho's Path".
K nové dlouhohrající desce zatím víme následující - bude se jmenovat prostě "This is PiL" a vyjde "někdy v průběhu roku 2012".
Lydon k ní prohlásil následující: "Pravděpodobně se to bude jmenovat 'This is PiL', jednoduše pro to, že pojmenovává celou tu práci, snahu a energii, kterou do desky vkládáme."
The albums – which will including two live records – will also be remastered, but will not include Metal Box, which was previously reissued in 2009, reports The Quietus.
2012 will also see the release of a new Public Image Ltd. album. John Lydon has revealed that their ninth studio album will be called 'This Is PiL'. The band, who announced their reformation in 2009, have been working on their first album since 1992's 'That What Is Not' for the past two years.
Speaking about the album to BBC 6Music, Lydon said of the planned title: "It is probably going to be called 'This is PiL' basically because it is, it is all the work, effort and energy we put into this record."
The albums which will be reissued by EMI include: 'First Issue' (aka Public Image Ltd), 'Paris In The Spring' (Live), 'Flowers Of Romance', 'Live In Tokyo', 'This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get', 'Album (aka Compact Disc)', 'Happy', '9', 'The Greatest Hits So Far', 'That What Is Not' and Lydon's solo album 'Psycho's Path'.
Public Image Ltd.'s new album is set to be released at some point in 201
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