Trent Reznor odhaluje soundtrack The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Vůdčí osobnost momentálně zamrzlých Nine Inch Nails vysílá do světa další kus pořádné soundtrackové práce. Tentokrát s kolegou Rossem otestovali kompoziční zázemí amerického remaku "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".


Rozsháhlý tříhodinový blok o 39 skladbách čítajících také dva covery (od Led Zeppelin a Bryana Ferryho) má ve Spojených Státech vyjít v digitální podobě tento týden, 9. prosince. Deska bude později k dostání na trojalbu (27. prosince) a 6. února i v deluxe rozšířené edici. Šestistopý sampler můžete už nyní zdarma sosat na serveru


Fincherův remake severské série bude mít v České Republice premiéru k 12. lednu příštího roku. 



The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo "Immigrant Song" -- Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross feat. Karen O



Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin cover) [ft. Karen O]
She Reminds Me of You
People Lie All the Time
Pinned and Mounted
What If We Could?
With The Flies
Hidden in Snow
A Thousand Details
One Particular Moment
I Can't Take It Anymore
How Brittle the Bones
Please Take Your Hand Away
Cut Into Pieces
The Splinter
An Itch
Under the Midnight Sun
You're Here
The Same as the Others
A Pause for Reflection
While Waiting
The Seconds Drag
Later Into the Night
Parallel Timeline With Alternate Outcome
Another Way of Caring
A Viable Construct
Revealed in the Thaw
We Could Wait Forever
Great Bird of Prey
The Heretics
A Pair of Doves
The Sound of Forgetting
Of Secrets
Is Your Love Strong Enough? [Bryan Ferry cover]


Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin cover) [ft. Karen O]

She Reminds Me of You

People Lie

All the Time

Pinned and Mounted


What If We Could?

With The Flies

Hidden in Snow

A Thousand Details

One Particular Moment

I Can't Take It Anymore

How Brittle the Bones

Please Take Your Hand Away

Cut Into PiecesThe Splinter

An ItchHypomania

Under the Midnight Sun


You're Here

The Same as the Others

A Pause for Reflection

While Waiting

The Seconds Drag

Later Into the Night

Parallel Timeline With Alternate Outcome

Another Way of Caring

A Viable Construct

Revealed in the Thaw


We Could Wait Forever


Great Bird of PreyThe Heretics

A Pair of Doves


The Sound of Forgetting

Of Secrets

Is Your Love Strong Enough? [Bryan Ferry cover]




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