Více než třicetiletá, krkolomná a dlouho přerušovaná cesta projektu Throbbing Gristle se chystá do svého definitivního konce. Po loňském povdzechu českých fanoušků nad zrušeným koncertem a následným úmrtí Petera "Sleazy" Christophersona chystají zbývající členové alespoň dvě povznášející novinky. Tou první je vzkříšení jejich starého, kultovního labelu Industrial Records, který jako vůbec první vtiskl název samotnému žánru propagovaném pod mottem ""industrial music for industrial people". Učinili tak po vyprchání smlouvy s Mute a EMI, odkoupili od nich zbývající desky projektu a chystají jejich velkou reedici. Na 26. září tak plánují vydání deluxe edice alb "The Second Annual Report", "D.O.A", "The Third & Final Report", "Heathen Earth", "20 Jazz Funk Greats" a "Throbbing Gristle's Greatest Hits". Každé z alb bude remasterováno samotným Chrisem Carterem a vydáno pod limitovaným nákladem 2000 kusů.
Druhou příznivou novinkou je, že i přes Christophersonův odchod kapela dokončí své poslední album. Hudební reinterpretaci osmistopé desky "Desertshore", kterou v roce 1970 natočila jako svou třetí sólovku zpěvačka Nico. Detaily pro vás budeme nadále sledovat.

Zdroj: http://pitchfork.com/news/
Watch Stephen Colbert and the Black Belles perform "Charlene II (I'm Over You)"
Sorry, Conan! Jack White's got a new late night talk show host comedian BFF. All week long, White and Stephen Colbert have been getting chummy on "The Colbert Report", and it was all leading up to this: White, Colbert, and the mysterious garage band the Black Belles have recorded a 7" single together for White's Third Man Records.
Also tours this fall, drops new track "Rich Whores"
Earlier this year, the young Oakland rapper Kreayshawn became the center of about a million online authenticity debates when her "Gucci Gucci" video went viral, and she promptly signed a contract with Columbia. But Kreayshawn also has a history of directing music videos for Bay Area rap figures like Lil B. As MTV reports, Kreayshawn is putting her film-student backstory to good use, as she's directing a new music video for, of all people, the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Cut from "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" EP
Coldplay: "Major Minus"
This Sunday, June 26, Coldplay will release the Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall digital EP through iTunes abroad (according to Coldplay's site, the EP will be "coming soon" to the U.S. and Japan). The EP features the previously circulated title track as well as two new songs, "Major Minus" and "Moving to Mars". The physical version will be available on Monday, June 27. For now, the band's put "Major Minus" on their YouTube channel; you can listen to that song above. "Moving to Mars" will be online tomorrow morning, UK time.
Posted by Larry Fitzmaurice on June 23, 2011 at 3:45 p.m.
Tags: Audio, Coldplay
Tyler, Hodgy, and Frank Ocean are on a Nas track; Tyler to appear in Pusha video
Photo by Chris Tuite
In a recent phone conversation, Odd Future/MellowHype rapper Hodgy Beats revealed that he, Odd Future figurehead Tyler, the Creator, and OF R&B singer Frank Ocean are working on a song with Queensbridge rap legend Nas. (Nas had previously announced plans to collaborate with Frank Ocean.)
Industrial Records will reissue several titles from back catalogue
Photo by Paul Heartfield
Throbbing Gristle, the long-running and always transgressive industrial music pioneers, lost member Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson last year. And though they're in the process of closing the book on the band, the remaining members of Throbbing Gristle still have a lot of business to attend to. As FACT points out, a statement on the Throbbing Gristle website outlines plans to finish up the final Throbbing Gristle album, relaunch the group's old label Industrial Records, and reissue a ton of material. And they've made it clear that they won't be performing live again under the Throbbing Gristle name.
As the website statement explains, Throbbing Gristle's contract with Mute/
EMI has expired, so they've decided to reactivate Industrial, the label they started in the late 70s. In doing so, they've bought the remaining stock of
Mute's Throbbing Gristle releases, which they're selling
through their website.
On September 26, Industrial plans to release deluxe vinyl editions of a number of old TG albums: The Second Annual Report, D.O.A. The Third & Final Report, Heathen Earth, 20 Jazz Funk Greats, and Throbbing Gristle's Greatest Hits. Each will be remastered by TG member Chris Carter and limited to 2000 copies. They'll also be available on digital download and CD as part of a reissue series called TG Time Capsule. The CD reissues will come in digipacks that approximate the albums' original packaging, and they'll each include an extra disc of era-specific live recordings.
Throbbing Gristle are also finishing up work on their final album, a reinterpretation of Nico's Desertshore. They're hoping to release it early next year.
Below, check out footage of Throbbing Gristle performing "Discipline" back in the day.
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